Minimal Brain Damage

| categories: mri, adhd


1 How minimal?

Historically, when the term Minimal Brain Damage was in use, it meant brain damage that could not at that time be detected on current scanning technology, nor even in post-mortem gross anatomy examination. Modern brain imaging studies now detect the presence of abnormalities in structure (smaller size) and function (hypoactivation) of critical brain regions related to dopamine (DA) in the pathophysiology of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) [13].

2 Specific Deficits

Lou [8] and Volpe [14] suggest an excitotoxicity hypothesis to explain how ‘minimal brain damage’ may not be detected by earlier brain imaging techniques: the damage might preferentially affect late-developing granular cells and other interneurons and pathologically reduce the population of neurons that will later differentiate into specific brain structures. Thus, the morphology of the structure and overall brain will be normal, but smaller. The striatum was specifically highlighted because it is rich in dopaminergic synapses, is vulnerable to perinatal hypoxic complications, and if damaged, produces hyperactivity and poor inhibitory control [8].

This hypothesis has gained further support with modern structural and functional neuroimaging studies showing ADHD subjects to have small volume reductions in frontal–subcortical regions [511]. This is consistent with studies of brain anatomy of children with ADHD, which reported a 5 % reduction in overall cerebral volume [3].

Jin et al. [6] used neuroimaging in medication-naïve ADHD children, and suggests that 20 % to 25 % of neurons in the globus pallidus had died or were severely dysfunctional, and reported a mild hyperactivity of the cholinergic system in the striatum. Other reports implicate reductions in specific areas of the prefrontal cortex, basal ganglia, cerebellum, and corpus callosum [91112], some of which are outside the frontal–subcortical circuits, but are involved in coordinating activities of multiple brain regions.

3 Mild Abnormalities of Anatomy and Activity

This hypothesis also fits a curious pattern observed in follow-up studies of premature infants by Krägeloh-Mann et al. [7]: A 5 year follow up of a cohort of babies born prematurely and had MRI performed at time of birth found a correlation between later incidence of ADHD-like symptoms and more mild abnormalities in the neonate MRI. Damage to a frontal–subcortical network important for coordinating motivation and cognition in decision-making processes, like learning from mistakes and delaying gratification to maximize short- and long-term benefits of choices [1] may lead ADHD sufferers to have dysfunctional responses to reward and punishment [2], including severe delay aversion [10].

Functional MRI studies have found frontal hypoactivity affecting the anterior cingulate, dorsolateral, and inferior prefrontal cortex, portions of parietal cortex, basal ganglia, and thalamus [4]. Recent studies have shown disruptions in ADHD affect not only the activity in these brain regions, but also the way in which they connect with one another to form networks [11].


attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder


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[13]    J. M. Swanson, M. Kinsbourne, J. Nigg, B. Lanphear, G. A. Stefanatos, N. Volkow, E. Taylor, B. J. Casey, F. X. Castellanos, and P. D. Wadhwa. Etiologic subtypes of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: brain imaging, molecular genetic and environmental factors and the dopamine hypothesis. Neuropsychol Rev, 17(1):39–59, Mar 2007. doi: 10.1007/s11065-_007-_9019-_9.

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